Lifestyle Transitioning

Lifestyle Transitioning

Published on
March 22, 2017
Dr. Cher Morgan

Achieve optimal health by changing your diet through enhanced nutrition which includes enzyme rich, . Fruits and Vegetables, Whole Grains and Healthy Fats

Why Should I Strive for a Healthy Lifestyle?

In sum, the payoff of a healthy lifestyle is huge. “Over time, when you make healthy decisions about food, you are at a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, obesity, anxiety and depression, and yes the Corona virus too. You will have more energy, feel better, and may even be in a better mood on a daily basis,”

what I know from my own work is that food is the missing tool in the toolbox of doctors, and it’s the one thing that patients can do for themselves between doctor or hospital visits. So use food as medicine.

“What I promote to clients is a whole-foods diet, meaning, eat foods as close to their original form as possible. When food is processed or refined, it’s stripped of most of its fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and often preservatives are added in their place,

“All the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the stress you feel, it’s so unique to you, and that largely determines your immune system.

I will be sharing recipes and tips for using food as medicine, which
will help you to build a stronger immune system so that you can fight off any invader. Stay tuned

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