Blood pressure readings can go wrong in two obvious ways: a high reading when your blood pressure is actually normal or a normal reading when your blood pressure is sky-high.

Both are problematic, as the former may convince healthy people to take medications that may make them sick, and as the latter may prompt unhealthy people to continue their unhealthy lifestyles.

In a study in Canadian Family Physician, researchers at the University of Montréal have now discovered that the majority of doctors may inadvertently give you incorrect blood pressure readings.

Researchers in Montréal were interested in the numbers of Canadian practitioners who used electronic versus manual blood pressure measurement devices.

To find out more, they mailed a survey to randomly selected doctors who were members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

A total of 769 doctors returned the survey.

Of all the participants, 54.2% (417 altogether) stated that they used manual equipment to measure their patient’s blood pressure, usually a mercury or aneroid device and a stethoscope.

Only 42.9% (330) reported using automated equipment.

When they were asked what appliances were responsible for the most hypertension diagnoses, they reported:

– automated equipment: 31.1%

– manual measurement: 21.4%

– home-based instruments: 22.4%

– 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: 14.4%

Of diagnosed cases, 68.7% were managed through home monitoring, 63.6% by manual office equipment, and 59.2% by automated office instruments.

Why is this important?

Previous studies have found that automated instruments are more accurate than manual types.

Unlike manual ones, automated device’s readings don’t need to be interpreted, and they therefore exclude the possibility of human error.

All of this made the Canadian researchers think that 20% or more people treated for high blood pressure may not actually have a problem.

Therefore, if you want to obtain an accurate reading, ask your doctor whether it is possible to receive a reading with an automated device.

So you’ve gotten a diagnosis and you’re sure it’s the real thing – now what?


Vegan, Cheddar , Cheese

This Raw Vegan cheese recipe is one of the best Cheddar Cheese you have ever tried.

This Vegan Cheddar Cheese Recipe is a very rich and simple recipe, with which we can accompany a host of preparations, both vegan vegetarian cuisine as well.

These simple steps and very easy to get ingredients present you the step of preparing a delicious vegetable cheddar cheese.

The Ingredients for Vegan Cheese Recipe (Cheddar Cheese)


4 Tablespoons Agar Powder Agar

1/4 cup Nutritional Yeast

1/2 Cup of chopped Red Pepper

1 Cup of Hazelnuts or Macadamia Nuts

2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice ( fresh )

1 clove garlic

1 tablespoon chopped onion

1/2 teaspoon of Himalayan salt, and 1/2 cup of water


The Preparation of Vegan Cheese Recipe ( Vegan Cheddar Cheese)

The preparation of this exquisite idea of vegan recipes is simple, start combining in blender hazelnuts or macadamia nuts, lemon juice, red pepper, garlic, yeast, onion, and salt. We will pass all this through the blender, obtaining as a result, a cream of very rich flavor, and already similar to the cheese.

Now boil the 1/2 cup of water and add the agar powder, mixing very well. Let it cool slightly (rather than be warmed), add to the previously prepared cream and mix very well with a mixer.

Finally spend the mixture into a mold to our liking, such as a loaf pan, draining all content, then we will cover with foil and let stand our vegetable cheddar cheese at room temperature for about 10 hours or until you get a consistency well firm.

Make your own Ketchup

How to Make Ketchup
Ketchup is the king of all condiments. Unfortunately, most commercial varieties of ketchup contain high fructose corn syrup. HFCS has no real nutritional value and causes a big spike in blood sugar when consumed. It is widely used as it extends the shelf life of processed food and it is cheaper than sugar.

Additionally, ketchup has a large amount of sugar. Even organic brands often contain some questionable ingredients. So making your own homemade ketchup is the best option.

Make Homemade Ketchup in Just 2 Minutes

o 1 cup organic tomato paste
o 1 tbsp raw organic honey
o 1 tbsp raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
o 1/4 tsp mustard
o 1/2 tsp sea salt
o 1/4 cup water


Place everything into a bowl whisk until everything is incorporated and smooth.

Banana Orange Smoothie

• 2 medium bananas
• 2 medium oranges
• 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice (or water for a less orangy-taste)
• 1 tablespoon orange zest
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil


Recipe Directions
• 1. Get your orange zest off an orange before you peel it. The easiest way to get fresh orange zest is to simply use a clean orange peeler to shave a bit of orange peel off. Collect 1 tbsp’s worth.

• 2. Peel your oranges well using a knife. Cut off most of the white rind so that you just have nice, glistening oranges with very little white rind left.

Natural Breath Freshener

Natural Breath Freshener

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but it will also be sure to fix bad breath keeping your coworkers at bay! Sorry, my rhyming got the better of me there, but you get my drift: apples blast bad breath! But how?

The fruit contains a powerful set of oxidized polyphenols, powerful aids that neutralize nasty odor from the bacteria in your mouth. Plus, the actual motion of biting into a crisp apple quite literally scrapes away odorous bacteria from the teeth, gums, and tongue as you eat.



• 1 tablespoon Tumeric
• 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
• 1 Tablespoon ground lemon rind
• 100 gr Raw Honey
• Pinch of Black Pepper

In order to benefit from this golden mixture by strengthening the immunity, improving the overall health and prevent cancer. You need to take 1 tablespoon on a daily basis.

In order to get best results consume the remedy first thing in the morning.


13 Essential Vitamins for Bodily Function- From Food!

Eating vitamin-rich foods instead of taking copious amounts of vitamin supplements is the same idea as eating foods with high water content instead of guzzling endless amounts of water each day. If you are strategic about the foods you put into your body, you can maximize the benefits on a physical and cellular level. Naturally, some of us prefer to stay away from supplements and taking pills in general. It feels a little more “synthetic” than say, munching on a plate of red peppers, Raw Chickpea-less Hummus or a kale salad. Many people believe that if vitamin supplements are good, then a higher quantity of them is better. However, this is not always the case. High vitamin doses can be toxic and can cause imbalances in the body. Some supplements are beneficial, but they should never be relied on a replacement for a healthy diet. Instead, try incorporating some of these Beauty Detox vitamin-rich foods into your diet to optimize your health!

Vitamins “101”:

Here are 13 essential vitamins for bodily function: Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folate, B12, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin). Contrary to popular belief, the optimal way to get the vitamins you need is by consuming a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables and other plant foods, including seeds, nuts and whole grains. There are two types of vitamins- water soluble (i.e. vitamin C, thiamine) and fat-soluble (vitamins D, E, & A). All this means is that some vitamins are found and stored in oils and fats while others dissolve in water and mix easily in your blood. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to stick around in the body longer, while water soluble vitamins are eliminated through the urine quicker and small amounts are stored in the body at one time. A handful of vitamins serve as antioxidants, like Vitamin E, C and beta-carotene (the precursor to vitamin A), and are beneficial for our bodies because they can slow aging and protect against cancer. Now that you know a little more about vitamins, let’s get to the food!

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is typically found in food sources high in cholesterol and saturated fat such as cheese, milk and cream. We want to stay away from these types of foods. But there is hope! Focusing of foods rich in beta-carotene will generate Vitamin A in your body.


Beta-Carotene is a natural antioxidant that is used by the body to make Vitamin A. So instead of consuming fatty and high cholesterol foods to get our dosage of Vitamin A, I encourage you to find it indirectly through vegetables and certain fruits. The stronger or more intense the color of a vegetable or fruit means a higher concentration of beta-carotene content. Foods: Cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato, carrots, mango

Vitamin K:

Our intestines typically produce Vitamin K and it’s function is primarily to allow blood clotting when you are injured. It also ensures calcium gets to the bones and blood and helps prevent calcification from occurring in the arteries and soft tissues. I recommend that you increase your intake of these foods for preventative measures to combat injury and to prevent calcification.

Foods: Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, cabbage, kale and other dark leafy greens

Vitamin D:

This vitamin is essential for the absorption of calcium and for the formation of healthy strong bones. In the Beauty Detox Solution (BDS) I go in depth about why dairy is detrimental to our bodies and does not belong in our diet. Most of us think that Vitamin D can only be derived from drinking milk, but we are forgetting our largest natural provider of Vitamin D- the sun! Spending at least 20 minutes outside a day will take care of your Vitamin D needs. (I recommend a brisk 20-minute walk in the morning) Our bodies can organically synthesize Vitamin D when your largest organ, your skin, is exposed to the sun. Pretty cool, huh?

On the other hand, if you do not have regular access to the sun for whatever reason, in that case a D3 supplement is recommended.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps repair and regenerate collagen. It is essential for beautiful, youthful skin. Most people think they are getting a good dosage of vitamin C through the containers of orange juice they buy. But these types of store-bought products are pasteurized, so much of the bioavailability of the vitamin to your body is compromised, and in any case these products are acid-forming in the body and high in sugars, which will destroy your skin’s beauty. I’d rather blend the orange with its fiber, or eat the orange, but not juice the orange. These foods are better sources:

Foods:Broccoli, citrus fruits (use your lemons!), tomatoes, cabbage, red bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, papaya, strawberries, leafy green vegetables

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is involved in immune function and is an antioxidant. It can help protect your skin from free radical damage. Increase your intake of these foods when you feel yourself coming down with a common cold, and notice the strength of your body’s immune system in warding off minor infections.

Foods: Almonds, almond milk, sunflower seeds, almond butter, olives, spinach, asparagus, leafy green vegetables, olive oil (use moderate amounts)


Folate is an underrated vitamin and is integral to our cellular functioning. In particular, Folate helps to produce and maintain new cells. That’s why it is so important for my Pregnant Beauties. It also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Additionally, folate is what your body uses to make red blood cells and is vital in preventing anemia.

Foods: Sea vegetables, asparagus, collard breeds, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, parsley, cantaloupe, spinach, tomato, broccoli

B6, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid & Thiamin:

These are all B vitamins that work as a complex, essentially providing you with energy and helping you to maintain proper brain function. They are also essential for beautiful, healthy hair. These are the energy vitamins, so stock up!

Foods: Bananas, nutritional yeast, millet bread, mushrooms, spinach, seaweeds, green beans, peas, broccoli, avocado, coconut yogurt, sunflower seeds, collard greens, squash, sweet potato, yam, nuts (except peanuts!)


A deficiency in B12 can be identified by symptoms of fatigue, vision problems and soreness of the mouth. B12 helps create strong hair, nails and skin and it helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. B12 reduces fatigue and regulates our central nervous system, minimizing stress. As with other B vitamins, your gut can manufacture and synthesize missing components of the complex when your inner ecosystem is balanced with a healthy ratio of probiotics. Incorporate nutritional yeast into your diet. Try using my Classic Dressing or the Oil-Free Basil Lover’s Dressing on a bed of freshly tossed kale lettuce and vegetables. But if you are vegan, supplementation is still generally recommended.

Foods: Probiotic & Enzyme Salad, nutritional yeast, sea vegetables, blue-green algae

I meet so many people that take dozens of different supplements every day. While a wholefood-based multi-vitamin/multi-mineral can be good insurance, challenge yourself to have an excellent diet. Incorporate these vitamin-rich foods into your diet and eliminate unnecessary supplements. These foods have added benefits and will absorb more effectively into your body.

After investigating into the world of vitamin-rich foods, you will see that there is a BIG emphasis on greens and vegetables! Keep this in mind when incorporating your Beauty Detox Solution principles into your diet and transitioning into a healthier, more beautiful you. You can eat your pounds away while nourishing your body on the cellular level. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Kidney Repair

This One Ingredient Can Help Repair Your Kidney

The kidneys may be small, but they are responsible for very important functions that can impact our overall health. They filter at least 120 quarts of blood every day and produce about two quarts of urine. They also filter waste and fluid to be excreted by the body.

But problems can occur and may even lead to kidney damage, including in people who have type II diabetes and high blood pressure.

Treatments and medication are available, but did yo u know there’s one kitchen ingredient that can actually repair kidney damage?.This particular ingredient is sodium bicarbonate, which is commonly known as baking soda.

How Baking Soda Works for the Kidneys

The endocrine system includes the pancreas, which produces sodium bicarbonate to provide protection for the kidneys at the time of digestion. There are times when the kidneys will also produce the chemical, depending on what you eat. But when you eat a lot of sugary, fatty, or fried foods, these unhealthy choices stress the endocrine system. As a result, both the kidneys and the pancreas reduce their production of sodium bicarbonate. Without which, the acids become overwhelming and can lead to kidney damage.

It is therefore very significant that the body produces bicarbonate on its own in normal amounts, which can extend the life of the kidneys. Plus, the endocrine system remains healthy.

Science Supports the Use of Baking Soda

According to the US National Institutes of Health, sodium bicarbonate is effective in balancing the pH levels of the blood. It may even be as effective as traditional dialysis in patients with impaired kidneys. Another study by the Department of Renal Medicine and Transplantation discovered that daily intake of sodium bicarbonate can prevent kidney failure and in some cases, even reverse its onset, as well as other diseases, such as severe renal and heart diseases.

How to Use Baking Soda

It is important that you talk to a healthcare professional before you use baking soda for treating your kidney disease. Sodium bicarbonate is generally safe, but those who have sensitive stomach may find it difficult to digest the substance. To effectively stop kidney disease from developing, follow the steps below:

1. During the first day, consume half a teaspoon of baking soda. Place it under your tongue.
2. On the second day, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and salt of the same amount in 1.5 liters of water. Drink this for two to three days.
3. Finally, reduce the dosage to ¼ of a teaspoon and 1/3 teaspoon of salt.

Note that although some risk factors of kidney disease may be uncontrollable, unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to its development. Maintaining a healthy weight and eating healthy are the best ways to protect your kidneys.

Liver early warning

16 Early Warning Signs Your Liver is Sluggish and Toxins Are Being Stored in Your Fat Cells

The liver is a vital body organ as it performs more than 400 functions, including the one to filter out the waste and toxins from our organism. The primary task of the liver is the conversion of toxins into safe waste that is to be excreted from the body afterward.

It is responsible for a substantial part of the overall health. However, if you consume a healthy diet rich in important nutrients, the liver will optimally perform its functions, and it will not be overburdened, but if the food you consume is not healthy, it may become sluggish as a result of the accumulated toxins.
The liver can eliminate these toxins in two phases. The first consists of using enzymes to turn the lipid-soluble toxins into less damaging compounds that can be further on detoxified in the second phase.
The second phase includes the pairing of the toxins with other molecules that boost their water-solubility, to be safely eliminated from the body.

Even if you eat a healthy diet and lifestyle, you need to use personal care and cleaning products that contain no toxins. Namely, there are also toxins in our environment, in the water, air, soil, plastics, factories and the like.

As we previously mentioned, when the liver has become sluggish, the toxins face a difficulty to leave the body, and since they are lipid- soluble, they get accumulated in the fat tissue. This may lead to excess weight.
Therefore, it is critical that you stimulate the function of your liver by following a holistic approach. Hence, you need to know the symptoms that indicate that your liver has become sluggish and needs detoxification:

• Pessimistic emotions;
• Hormonal imbalances;
• Lethargy/feeling drained/ brain fog;
• Migraines/ headaches behind the eyes/ dull headaches relieved with rest;
• Chronic muscle or joint pain;
• Excessive perspiration;
• Weight gain without any evident reason;
• Chronic fatigue;
• Abdominal pain, constipation, gases, diarrhea, bloating;
• Issues digesting fats;
• Chronic bad breath;
• Chemical sensitivities;
• Gall bladder removed;
• Allergies;
• Depression and anxiety;
• Acne or skin disorders.

In this case, you need to help your body solve the issue and stimulate the liver to properly do its function and eliminate the dangerous toxins, as follows:

• Eat a balanced diet;
• Avoid inflammatory oils;
• Avoid refined sugar;
• Reduce the consumption of fructose (20-25 gr. per day);
• Eliminate GMO products and buy only organic foods;
• Use food sources of sulfur;
• Eat animal-based and plant-based sources of amino acids;
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol;
• Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables;
• Increase the consumption of healthy fats;
• Consume enough fiber;
• Drink sufficient amounts of pure water.

Canola Oil Is Not a Healthy Oil

Canola Oil: What It Is Really

First of all there is no canola seed or plant. Canola oil comes from rapeseed plant seeds, which despite its ugly name yields a high amount of oil. Originally, that oil wasn’t fit for human consumption. So it was used industrially, similar to motor oil’s machinery protection. What made it unfit for humans was erucic acid, which can lead to fatty deposits in the heart muscles of animals and humans.

But over time with hybrid breeding, versions of rapeseed plant seeds eliminated most of the erucic acid, making that toxin a non-issue today. So even if a crop of rapeseed (canola oil) is among the ten percent or so of “Canola” seeds that are not genetically modified to be Roundup Ready, the processing of this oil makes it a health hazard.

When you purchase foods made with Canola oils, which is a very cheap processed oil, it is very likely to be GMO because 80-90% of Canola comes from Roundup Ready rapeseed seeds to allow heavy glyphosate spraying.

So how come it’s called Canola Oil instead of rapeseed oil now? Well, Canada had a lot of rapeseed plants growing and wanted to encourage and support farmers growing it, so the renamed rapeseed oil Canola. Can stands for Canada and ola represents factors involving oil and its low erucic acid content. Canola oil means Canadian oil.

This oil is heavily processed with high heat and partially hydrogenated to create longer shelf life. Partially hydrogenated oils are trans-fats. How come the Canola labels say no trans-fats? The FDA allows processed food manufacturers to round down so that anything less than .5 grams per serving can be listed as zero grams.

Chemically deodorizing Canola oil with hexane and bleaching it as well as the high heating processes make Canola oil very unhealthy. Despite terrible results from animal testing resulting in all sorts of diseases from Canola oil, the Canadian government and Canola industry paid the FDA $50 milllion to obtain GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status.

If you see Canola oil as one of two or three possibilities on a food label, realize it’s probably Canola oil that’s used because it’s the cheapest. As you know, cheap is not best when it comes to healthy food.

All highly processed plant food oils are very inflammatory. Cold pressed oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, flax seed, and others that are not heated but cold pressed are the oils that should be used for good health.

Spring Beets & Citrus Detox Salad


  • 6 baby beets, peeled and finely sliced
  • 1 – 2 navel oranges
  • 1/2 bunch kale, centre ribs removed and leaves thinly sliced
  • 1/3 C raw pistachios, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 C fresh mint, chopped
  • 1/4 C fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 C fresh basil, chopped


  1. Peel baby beets and finely slice them using a mandoline if you have one. Set aside. Wash the kale and remove the centre ribs and chop into thin slices. Place into large serving bowl and add finely chopped fresh mint, parsley, as well as basil. Set aside. Peel and segment oranges and roughly chop raw pistachio kernels.
  2. Ingredients for Dressing

    • 1/4 t himalaya salt
    • Zest of 1/2 lemon
    • 1 t raw honey
    • 1/4 C extra virgin olive oil
    • Juice of 1/2 lemon
    • Juice of 1/2 orange
    • 3 T apple cider vinegar
    • Zest of 1/2 orange
    • 1 small garlic clove, finely chopped
    • Freshly ground black pepper to taste
  3.  Add all dressing ingredients together and combine well. Use 1/2 of dressing to mix with prepared beets and marinate for at least 1 hour. To serve, toss all ingredients together – reserving some segmented oranges and pistachios for garnish.

Sweet Almond Bread

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    • 750ml/3c organic almond flour
    • 1/4c homemade yoghurt  or (thick coconut milk)
    • 3 eggs, from pastured hens
    • pinch of natural sea salt
    • 1 teaspoon of raw organic honey, local is best!
    • 1/4t organic vanilla powder
    • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
    • 2T Kombucha, optional
    • 1T chia seeds


    • Sweet Almond Banana Bread
      1. Whisk the eggs. While whisking add the yoghurt, then the honey, vanilla powder, salt.
      2. With a fork mash the bananas into the mixture.
      3. Now mix in the almond flour with a whisk or fork until the dough resembles the consistency of a porridge.
      4. Let sit for 30min to 1hour. Cover with a tea towel.
      5. Grease a bread tin with butter or coconut oil, line with baking paper and fill with the dough. Smooth the top with a spoon or rubber spatula and sprinkle with the chia seeds.
      6. Pre-heat the oven to 150°C, then bake the almond bread on one of the low rails for 1 hour at 150°C. To check if the bread is finished baking, poke a wooden skewer into the middle of the bread. No dough should stick on it when you pull it out.
      7. Let the bread cool down in the tin, then lift out and carefully remove the paper. Let it sit upside down on a rack to allow excess moisture to evaporate.
      8. Keep wrapped in a cotton towel, so the bread can breathe.

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